The most informative podcast about adult ADHD.

A podcast about managing ADHD and how to make it YOUR advantage.

The podcast Attention Please on Spotify contains 43,500 seconds, which is 720 minutes or over 12 hours of free content on the most informative podcast about adult ADHD.

The Best podcast about ADHD on Spotify

hosted by DC:

My name is DC (the host of Attention Please) I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2nd grade. Even though I always felt different from everyone else, the role neurodivergence plays in my life wasn’t clear for a long time.

“He would be a model student if I could figure out how to make him pay attention.”

-most of my teachers…

“How do I know if

I have ADHD?”

Take a free online ADHD symptom quiz.

The Fast & FREE ADHD Symptom Quiz

This quiz is Based on the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS v.1); this simple test is merely meant to determine if you might have persistent behaviors that align with ADHD traits based on total points.

Do you have questions about ADHD??? 

-ADHD Q&A with D.C.

If you have a question that you’d like to have answered on social media (publicly or anonymously) about ADHD, use the form below to submit it. Your question might be read on social media!

If you’d like to remain anonymous, do not submit your name!

Learn about ADD on TikTok

I’m on the TikTok, am I saying that right?

A Strategic

The best adhd planner for accomplishing goals and starting a business.
The best planner and journal for people with ADHD

Everything You Need to
Know about Adult ADHD

  • Why do Adderall shortages happen?

  • What are the best careers for people with ADHD?

  • Who are some high-achievers with ADHD who can inspire us?

  • Are there any natural treatments for ADHD?

The Attention, Please! Blog/Podcast aims to increase adult ADHD awareness with the most up-to-date research, coping strategies, compelling stories, and investigative research about neurodivergence.

Like you haven’t heard before.

ADHD Tool-kit


How do I know if I have ADHD?

This ADHD quiz is based on the
Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS v.1).
It’s only 18 questions and can help determine if you have symptoms of neurodivergence.


What is ABNDT?

There is nothing wrong with you. You’re just a bird being judged on your ability to swim. By fish.


Are there over-the-counter supplements that help ADHD symptoms?

Plant-derived vitamins that improve focus, memory,
and overall cognitive function.

On the gram